Breaking Down The Known Source Brand

To give you an idea of how evolved we really area, we want to give you a break down of the Known Source brand 📝

Created with the amazingly talented Studio Chong, the identity for Known Source takes forward the idea of circular fashion using circular styles, and focuses on curation guiding our vision to elevate second hand fashion. We’ve been waiting to lift the lid on our brand since April 2021. Even though we’ve been on a journey since, our identity has, and always will, remain the same. No doubt.

When creating the brand, we took inspiration from three areas of fashion: nostalgia - innate to second hand; the 21st century - to reflect a modern digital-first brand experience; and luxury fashion - born out of our first class shopping experience ✨

The Known Source identity centres around The Art of Second Hand, mixing vintage styles with modern graphics and techniques to create something that is both from the past, present and the future.

Our icon is a symbol for first class circular curation. An abstract version of the eye taken from the logo ‘O’ symbolises sight and seeking, whilst the star symbolises direction and curation 👁

We love our identity. We love our brand. We love our vision. And we love Studio Chong!

Together we will take second hand fashion to the forefront of culture ✨

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